
Justifiying one's wrong

Q: A boy said to another boy (black) in urdu which spells (kala), I said to him dont do that because Allah has created him. He then said "Qaala Rasoolullahi (sallalahu alayhi wasallam) " He was trying to justify that he didn't say kala (black) But qala (in Arabic) Rasoolullahi sallalahu alayhi wasallam. And he said that something after Qala Rasolullahi salallahu alayhi wasallam like a hadith and I don't know if its a real hadith or not maybe he said "Dont disturb someone" something like that and included saying "Dracula" also... then I asked him which hadith there is written "dracula" and I said to him dont make fun of hadith...

Here he made two mistakes

1. By justifying that he said Qala and not kala by using the means of hadith as I mentioned earlier

2. He said dracula also as I described in which manner he said that. Is he still a Muslim?

Mocking someone with a beard

Q: A man started keeping a beard after shaving for a long time. He is a Muslim. My father told me that "to be true he was looking better before"(because that man doesnt really look good after he started keeping a beard) I also agreed with my father saying that he was looking good before because when a man leaves his beard after shaving it for long time, he does not look good but after the beard grows he looks good. I had seen another man (who is a Muslim) who had shaved for a long time then left his beard and he too was not looking good but now he is good looking because of a big beard?

My question is that: Is there any affect on us being Muslims? Because we said that a man is not looking good while he was obeying Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) by leaving a beard.

Mocking Islamic teachings

Q: A boys birthday was on December 26 and I said to him that it was better if it was on new year.

Now my question is that I supported new year and I supported something haram (by saying that it was better if it was on new years day). I rejected Allah's rule and supported something haram.

1. Does it affect me as a Muslim? If yes what to do?

A boy said to me that celebrating birthdays is haram and I said that celebrating new year is also haram. Then I said that haram cancelled a haram as we do in maths where a numerator and denominator cancel eachother. Then I laughed and the the boy laughed too.

My question is that I made fun of Islamic rules by cancelling the haram of it in a funny way. I read in a place that making fun of Islam leads to a person becoming a kafir. Is it right? and does it have any affect on mmy imaan?

Mocking Islam


1. To what minimum extent will mocking on Islam lead to kufr?

2. What does this mean that refusing to learn the deen of Allah will lead to kufr?

3. Suppose if i need to clear a doubt about something in Islam and if I dont do it then am I a kafir?

Allah Ta'ala ki baato ko mazaaq keliye isti'maal karna

Q: Koi agr azobillah ko bigaar ks parhe mazaak karte hoe aur mazaak karta hoe shaytan ki jaga kisi insan ya tanz karta hoe apna dost ka naam lga dalaikin niyatab us ki kya h ya nhi pta aesa ek larka na kia tha taqreeban saal pahla ab kya hukm h us ko kya samjho agr kufriya kalmia h to kya samjho agr nhi h to kya samjho ab pta nhi us na toba ki h ka nhi main na us sa kha tha ka toba kro is pr ho sakta h us na toba kr li ho ab ap bta da ya situation paish ae aur muj pr to koi wabbal nhi ho ga is silsilla main

Mocking someone's beard


1. I have one uncle whose beard has only few hairs. I had made fun of his beard saying that his beard has few strands of thread... I was actually making fun of his beard, not the sunnah... Also I did not know at that time that we should not make fun of beard... Did I do kufr? If yes, what should I do?

2. Some people call him chinese... did they also do kufr? 

Mocking and ridiculing people

Q: Person A tells Person B the following joke. He says the memon was in Jahannam when he met his friend. His friend said to him that you were so pious, how did you end up here? The memon replied that I have a place in Jannah, but I put my house in Jannah on rent. Person B laughed at the joke. I am aware that in Surah Tauba that there is a verse which speaks about joking about Allah and his signs and this leading one to come out of the fold of Islaam. In the scenario presented above, do both A and B lose their Imaan and in the process invalidate their Nikah?