
Mocking Islamic teachings

Q: A boys birthday was on December 26 and I said to him that it was better if it was on new year.

Now my question is that I supported new year and I supported something haram (by saying that it was better if it was on new years day). I rejected Allah's rule and supported something haram.

1. Does it affect me as a Muslim? If yes what to do?

A boy said to me that celebrating birthdays is haram and I said that celebrating new year is also haram. Then I said that haram cancelled a haram as we do in maths where a numerator and denominator cancel eachother. Then I laughed and the the boy laughed too.

My question is that I made fun of Islamic rules by cancelling the haram of it in a funny way. I read in a place that making fun of Islam leads to a person becoming a kafir. Is it right? and does it have any affect on mmy imaan?

Mocking Islam


1. To what minimum extent will mocking on Islam lead to kufr?

2. What does this mean that refusing to learn the deen of Allah will lead to kufr?

3. Suppose if i need to clear a doubt about something in Islam and if I dont do it then am I a kafir?

Wife not practising Islam

Q: I want to ask if a man embraced Islam for almost 13 years and his wife also and children embraced but his wife and children don't want to perform salah and other obligations of a Islam. His childrena ages are 20 years and above. What should he do? Is it right to divorce her?

Showing good character

Q: I have my friend from France and he asked me this question:

His father was a Catholic before, and now he's a Muslim. When his father was a Catholic, he was a good leader to them but when he became a Muslim, he is always angry at them even though they don't do bad things. My friend said that he always crys because before they were happy and full of love but now his father is always mad at their mom. Their mom is always getting hurt by him. My friend wants to know if this has anything to do with Islam?

Culture in Islam

Q: Culture as you have asked me to explain is a certain way of life found amongst a particular group of people you find themselves connected either through parenthood (ancestor) or sharing of common interest. Such like its the culture of the Arab to give their new babies for breastfeeding. With the above explanaition: What is the rule of culture in Islam?