
Female taking care of males and serving them haraam food in a nursing home

Q: Are we allowed to work in a nursing home and serve residents haraam dinner, maybe take a tray of pork meat to the residents for dinner. Can we spoon feed them pork dinners. Can we also change males or help them with nursing. Can you kindly confirm as to whether we are allowed to bath and dress male residents and serve haraam meals to them. Will our wealth be haraam?

The address of the Quran being applicable to both men and women

Q: My question is, why doesnt the Holy Quran speak directly to women? The Holy Quran speaks directly to men in several cases but why doesnt it speak directly to women. I am a Muslim and do believe that Allah is the greatest, kind and just and in no way believe that He favoured men over women. Therefore, I do know there must be a reason for why Allah did not directly talk to women in the Holy Quran as with men. I also know that in that age more men could read than women but Allah created the Holy Quran until the end of time not just for that age.

Men removing body hair


1. Is it permissable for males to remove hair on the following body parts: the chest, feet, hands and forearms, and legs.

2. While making masah of a zulfar in wudhu, is it permissible to groom the hair, e.g wetting it and grooming it in such a way where one ensures that it is neat.

Wearing the niqaab in a home with non-mahram males

Q: I have a question about purdah. I live at my mother in-laws house and I wear niqab. There are always males in the home who are my husband's cousins and uncles. Is it permissible to not wear the niqab when they are present? I try avoid taking it off as much as possible but sometimes I am unaware that they are in the home and am not wearing it which makes me feel guilty because there have been times where my husband says I should leave it off or he doesn't encourage to wear it when those particular people are around.