
Befriending Shias

Q: I have a best friend who is a Shia and I am a Sunni though I’ve always been told by others not to trust Shias. A couple of months ago this boy I know started being very Islamophobic to me saying Islam is a cult and that I hate Jews which I do not and he called me a terrorist and some stuff about Isis etc. He has not once apologised and he is a kaafir. Recently I’ve had to find out from my peers that my best friend who is a Shia has been dating this same boy secretly whilst knowing what he’s done to me. She has touched a male before but not intercourse with a male, she then lied to me, multiple times and ignored me when she admitted that she has been dating this guy. I then out of anger said some horrible things and told others, whilst she has not apologised what should I do? Islamically what advice would you give me?

Taking an oath that one will not talk to a certain person

Q: I promised Allah that I won’t talk to my friend first, meaning I won’t start the conversation first. Yesterday he called and I answered then we spoke. So now can I call him and talk to him or do I still have to wait for him to start the conversation. If I start the conversation will it be like breaking that promise. Some time I feel like I promised not to start the conversation ever so what should I do if I am not sure my oath. Can I talk to that friend or will it be considered as breaking the promise?

Jokingly getting married

Q: Does a nikah done as a joke (just for the sake of fun) in a friends gathering without the presence of the wali, become valid?

Is it valid when the girl says yes just because of peer pressure of acceptance in a group and without having the knowledge of the sensitivity of this subject/issue of nikah.

Method of being steadfast on Islam

Q: Few months ago until now I try to change myself to be a better person. I'm really happy because I learned more about Islam which I never knew before. But it really made me sad when my friends abandoned me. They left me behind and they made me feel like I'm a stranger to them. I'm really sad because they never asked me to hang out with them. I get to know about it when I see their whataapp messages and so on. It makes me feel that I'm totally zero after I try to change myself because all my friends left me. So I don't know how to share my feelings to people. What should I do? Can you give me some encouragement on how to always be steadfast on Islam.

Investing in a friends business

Q: Six months ago my businessman friend approached me and told me that he has got a big order from his customer but he doesn’t have enough money to fulfill his order. So he asked me to invest 1 million in his business so that he can complete the order and he would pay me a profit from this order in proportionate to my investment which is around 0.4 million. Order was confirmed and payment was secured. Is this halal for me?

Speaking to the jinn

Q: Someone I know contacts the jinn, is this shirk? Also, he says that Awliya from the graves talk to him and he also helps people with taweez and help from the jinn for good things, what does Islam say about this person? Can I keep him as a friend?