
Female mureedah giving gifts to the shaikh


1. Can a female mureeda give a little gift to her Shaykh (and his wife) to thank him for all his advice and his precious support in the spiritual journey?

2. Can I consider my Shaykh as a father? (Obviously remaining aware that my biological father is another, but unfortunately he has never collaborated with my mother in my upbringing and often he said that he doesn't consider me his daughter, especially after convertion to Islam. I'm still a teenager and my education is carried out by my mother (convert to Islam Alhamdulillah) and by my Shaykh who guide me on spiritual path and he is helping me to shape my personality and my behavior, so this Shaykh is like a father for me).

Linking oneself to a pious person

Q: I am a 21 year old from the US. I have committed so much wrong in these past couple of years and feel lost in this world without Allah because I’ve tried living both ways but subhanallah no matter how hard I try to stick to the sunnah I go back to my wrong doing. I cry almost every night to the point where I’m asking Allah if I’m being tested or punished. I ask for His help every night and cry and beg Him to keep me away and I know that Allah knows best. I know He’s the only one that can help me. I know that no one knows me better than He does and I want to be close to Him again. I want my life and heart and mind filled with noor and iman.

Overcoming waswasa

Q: I am being constantly faced with lots if wasaawis. I am not able to deal with it. I am thinking about almost each thought that passes my mind whether that thought did not constitute kufr. Due to this I am reciting shahadah again and again thinking I might have done kufr. I have read that we should ignore these thoughts...but I am not able to do it. I read lots of books by Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi Sahab, Maulana Zakariyya rahimahullah, etc. Alhumdulillah the books had great influence over me, and alhumdulillah I am striving hard to practise complete deen in my life. I have changed a lot. So, I have read about wasaawis in many books. But I am not able to ignore them... my health is also being affected due to the constant stress, thinking and the hard pressure which I put on my mind in order to think what I thought. I am in search of a shaikh also to do my tazkiya and also to guide me... but since I am a woman and also no one in the family is related to tasawwuf, I have not yet accomplished this. So my question is:

1. Please explain to me practically how to ignore the wasaawis. Do I have to obstruct them or let them pass in my mind?

2. Can you also say some other things such as muraaqaba etc. that will help me and also to ease and calm my mind.

3. Can I do baiyat with you? If not, can you guide me towards a shaikh?

4. Lastly, I need ur precious duas.

Foregoing one's place in the first saff for a senior

Q: It has been observed in madaaris, khanqaas, marakis and masaajid in general that students, mureeds, mamoors and general musallies at the time of iqaamat forego their place of the front saff by stepping backward into the second saff to give preference to the ustaad, shaikh, ameer or another Muslim in general, to take their place in the front saff. At times these individuals are in the saff well before hand. On the other hand the one given preference comes much later or even a short while before salaah. Can Mufti Sahib please explain if it is correct to do this? Can one forgo one's reward for another? Please shed any other information you have on this subject.

Trying to change one's life

Q: Reason why I'm emailing you is because I need urgent help. I have major hypocrisy in my heart with lots of maradh. I dont know what to do or where to even start! Please help me, this hypocrisy started 7/8 yrs ago when I fell in doubt with my religion and ever since then my life has been very miserable, I been through alot and it still hasn't changed me. Allah has given me lots of trials and I keep failing. I am also a hafiz of the Quran which makes this matter very serious. Up until now I got very scared as I've read the hadith from the prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that most of the hypocrites of the ummah will be the Quran memorizers. This has scared me, do I have any hope of my hypocrisy to be forgiven if I repent sincerely. Again the key word is sincerely, I also have lots of arrogance and pride, I try to change it but its too difficult. I'll change for maybe like a few hours or even a day but then I go back to how I am. How do I change this for good? I am also very heedless, I think bad about Allah but I don't want to. I want to be back to normal like I how I was when I was younger. I have all the traits of the hypocrite, I lie everytime, sometimes I don't even realise I'm lying, I break promises, I have arguments, I have a big ego, I want all this to change. I also have riya but I dont know where to start. I try but its too difficult, can you please give me advice on where to start and can you also please give me advice, everytime I try to change I try to be a perfect Muslim but its too much to handle, I know we have to take it easy step by step but I overburden myself by trying to be the perfect person and everytime I do this I fail, within few hours I'm back to sqaure one!!! Im tired of this, I have gotten nowhere in life, life has been ups and downs, no self development, living life mostly depressed but i dont know what im living for, please please can you help me, I want to be submit my soul humbly to Allah but its too difficult, what can I do? I want to be a genuine person not a liar!!! This is very serious!!! Im an outward muslim but inside im not a believer, please help me.

Taubah after drug abuse

Q: I have committed a great sin. I have taken cocaine, I have drank alcohol and I have smoked marijuana. I regret this immensely. I never want to do it again. I need Allahs help and forgiveness. Can you give me some advice and guidance please.