
Learning a portion of the Quraan as mahr

Q: I'm getting married in June Insha-Allah. When my parents were discussing the mahr, I kept a request in front of my in laws and my husband that instead of money I wanted to be gifted with a Surah from the Quran which will hold a value of living a good life after marriage and adding barakah to our life. So me and my husband will be memorizing it. Is it a valid point?

Husband signing a dowry agreement

Q: Is it permissible in islam for the Moulana to create a dowry agreement and to tell the husband to sign such an agreement that in the event of him divorcing his wife then he has to hand over his assets to his wife or his rights to his assets will be forfeited and transferred to the wife. Also to place the husband on terms to sign such dowry agreement. I know in Islam we have mahr paid immediately.

Girls father harassing the groom for mahr money

Q: A couple got married 3 years ago and the agreement of nahr was on mahr fatimi. On the day of the nikka the groom did not have the full amount so the agreement was that he would pay it off later. The amount of 3000 was given and the remaing amount is 7700. 3 years has past and no payment was made. The husband and wife have an understanding that the husband will give it by the end of the year inshallah. The brides father keeps asking and embarrassing the groom. I just wanted to know if the brides father have a say in this matter?

Husband lying about the value of the mahr jewellery

Q: I am in dire need of advice regarding dowry (mehr) in Islamic marriages. Jewellery of an x amount was given at the time of the nikkah as mehr. I have had doubts about the amount and when I asked my husband he refused to provide a slip, or say where it was purchased from. However upon investigation the findings are that the jewellery is worth 50 to 75% less than the price that was stipulated. Even the selling price would never have matched the price that was stipulated. What is the ruling on this? Is the nikaah still valid?