wife issuing talaaq

Woman issuing talaaq

Q: I got married at the age of 16 to a guy I didn't like. As i was still young, my parents decided that I would stay at my parents place and they will do my ruksati at the age of 20. I never stayed with my husband nor had any physical relationship with him. Meanwhile I fell in love with another guy and engaged in some sexual activities but I haven't done Zina. In 2015 I divorced my husband because I had no feelings for him and broke up with the other guy too. I know I have made such a big sin and repent all day and night. I want to do a fresh start, what should I do? And I want to get married again but getting no good suitor plz suggest me some dua.

Wife issuing talaaq

Q: I've a question about my cousin (female). She was married forcefully by her parents. They forced her emotionally and with other lies and she was married. She was never happy with her marriage and she never let her husband make any relation with her. She never even let him touch her and asked for Khulaa (Divorce). When her husband forcefully tried to have some physical relation with her she said the following words: "I declare you haraam on me in the presence of Allah (with Allah as my witness). Now any relation among us will be invalid or haraam".

Now I want to ask:

1. If their marriage ends with her saying this?

2. Does she still needs a divorce? and there is no effect on their marriage?

Wife issuing talaaq

Q: One day due to certain arguments wife has give me khula and triple talaaq orally and to her family members she is refusing that I didn't say. At the time of khula and talaaq, my mother was the witness. Please suggest khula and talaaq given by wife, does the khula and talaaq take place. She is staying with her parents now and taken all her clothes also from the house.

Can a woman divorce her husband?

Q: Is a woman allowed to talaaq her husband? My husband doesn't care that our marriage has broken down. We haven't spoken for over 6 weeks and are now in separate rooms. Previously we have done counseling. I requested a separation. Now I have had enough. I'd rather live alone with my children then in a dead marriage.