early settlement discount

Early settlement discount

Q: Please give me guidance regarding the following:

1. We have an agreement with most of our suppliers that all accounts are to be paid within 30 days from date of statement. We receive a settlement discount of 2.5% only if we pay our account within the specified time (30 days from statement). Is this permissible?

2. In some instances, we pay a few accounts later than 30 days from statement (between 3 and 5 days later) and we are still allowed the 2.5% settlement discount from our supplier. Is this permissible?

3. If we sometimes have any extra cash flow, then is it permissible for us to call our suppliers and negotiate an extra settlement discount? For early payment of our account (that is paying our account in the same month that we purchased the goods, not 30 days from statement, but on the day we receive the statement) we are offered an extra 1.5% early settlement discount. So instead of the 2.5% only we receive a 4% settlement discount for early settlement. Is this permissible?

Early settlement discount

Q: Where I work, we offer the 2.5% settlement discount for all customers if they pay their account within 30 days. This is a practice followed by the business over 30 years and all major customers take this if the ones that pay by the 7th of the following month. we allow this although it is not within the period. is this 2.5% also not allowed. Also, with our holding company (foreign based), we get a 3% discount if we pay the invoices within 14 days from when goods are invoiced. if we pay after 14 days, we cannot take the discount and our credit terms intra group is 60 days. Please let us know whether the practices are allowed as I am in charge of the payments.

Early settlement discount

Q: I am in retail and many suppliers state their terms similar or as follows: COD 10% 30 Days 7% 60 Days - No discount This is the general practise amongst most wholesalers and it is clear when an account is being opened. If there is a change we are informed well in advance. I sometimes take the full 60 days without a discount but on occasions where my cash flow is better, I do take advantage of their different settlement discounts. Is this permissible?

Alternative to early settlement discount

Q: Will it be permissible for one to make an agreement with the supplier, at the onset before purchasing, that for example, the terms will be 30 days with a discount of 5%? There are a few suppliers with whom we have an agreement such as the one described above and we keep to the arranged terms. However, the time period and discount differs from supplier to supplier. If this is not permissible, then what is the solution to rectify the situation?

Early settlement discount

Q: We have customers who buy on credit. Is it permissible for us to tell them that we will give them a discount if they pay before the due date? For example, the customer purchases goods worth R100 000 on a three month credit basis. The customer is told, “If you pay within one month, you will receive a 10% discount”. Is this permissible?