Sunnats of nikaah


Q: I am engaged to be married. My bride to be is doing her degree from home. She wants to stay at home till completion. So our families decided to hold the nikah soon and let me stay at her place to consummate the marriage. After she completes her degree we bring her home and give the traditional dinner party. Is that permissible in Islam? Please sight hadith for me to prove it to my neighbors.

Delaying the nikaah

Q: I am a 26 year old girl. I got a proposal last year and it's already been a year. He and his family are assuring us that once he gets a job and settles, then only will we proceed further. My parents are very worried about me. I dont want to be the reason of my parents sadness. Actually the main problem is that he is from South and I am from North. In South marriage, there willbe a grand show off and all that but currently he is jobless. My parents still agreed and are ready but he is stuck on one thing that he needs a job. We must just wait 8 more months. I just want a halal relationship. One more thing I would like to ask is that we did a register marriage in January 2017, just to avoid wrong deeds but now I am feeling that without Allah's blessing how can we be happy. So I am insisting to get marry according Islamic shariya but he says that he can't do it now and he needs time. Please suggest what to do because I am completely lost. I really dont know what to do. 

Using a pill to regulate one's period


1. Is it permissible for a woman who has irregular cycles to use the pill in order to regulate her cycle so that she may be pure for her Nikah?

2. If she does not, and her menses begin on the day of her Nikah, what should be done?

3. If she is in her menses on her first night, when should her husband lead her in Salaah as is advised to do on the first night?

Secret nikaah

Q: I was secretly married to my husband since 2009. Till then I meet him at his home, where his mother also stays but she doesn't have any idea. We enter his home secretly. Sometimes his brother helps us but as it is so many years his mother knows (we believe) I go to their place secretly but doesn't say anything. Is it right for me to continue this act? I am ashamed of it but he is my husband and I can't say no to him. He told me he would marry me soon, may be this year. I need your advice.

Sunnah method of Nikaah

Q: I am getting married soon, Insha Allah. Please provide me with the step-by-step sunnah way of nikkah and what is required to make the nikaah valid. Also, what is the difference between a wali and waqeel, and who would suffice as a witness for both bride and groom?

Sunnats of nikaah


1) Is want to find out the correct procedure of a nikaah/waleemah.

2) What is the sunnat method, what are the sunnats of a nikaah.

3) After the nikaah is performed, how does the groom meet the bride? Is it done in privacy or infront of the family?

4) Is there a salaah that the bride and groom read together? Is there any such thing as giving the groom milkshake/sarbat?

5) Any advices for the bride and groom?