Masaail relating to intimacy

Intercourse from the back

Q: I am completely aware of the fact that Anal Intercourse is haram and a grave sin in Islam. However, would it be permissible for a husband to derive pleasure by rubbing his front organ in between the behind of his wife, ensuring that he does not penetrate the rectum?

Oral sex

Q: A wife is not allowed by doctor to have intercourse with the husband during pregnancy because of complications. The husband is also co-operative but certainly has his desires What if the husband makes love with her during 7th month and asks her to suck his private part. The wife doesn't do it as it feels disgusting, will she be under the ruling of not making her husband happy or is it haram to do so ?

Husband not being intimate

Q: I am very concerned about my marriage and I need help. I have been married for 5 months now and my husband has not consummated our marriage. Although, he is intimate in other ways and treats me well. I am very disturbed and embarassed to talk to him about the issue. I wanted to know how should I deal with it.

Oral sex

Q: If a person is married and they engage in oral sex and the fluid goes in either of the spouses mouth and they swallow it does this have the same ruling like eating something haram?