Nafaqah (Financial support)


Q: I have been married for seven years now. We had gotten married really young and from the beginning my husband was informed that I was my parents responsibility, and it has been seven years and he still refuses to Nafaka me. We fight about it all the time as I feel embarrassed to go around asking family members to assist me with financial needs. We have two kids and I perform all my duties as a mother and wife. I do not want to get divorced but I don't know what more to say to him as he refuses to nafaka me. Please advise me as to what I should do.

Husband not fulfilling the needs of his wife and family

Q: My husband and I are married for the past five years but till to day he has not taken my responsibility and now we have a daughter and its the same with her. I have to keep asking for financial help from my parents and the income my husband brings is for his parents and siblings as he says they are his responsibility. I live in the UK and I get some money from the government because of my daughter and my husband expects me to run the house with that money. Even for our child's clothes I have to ask my parents. Please can you tell me where do I stand and what are my rights in Islam. I have tried explaining to my husband that me and our child are his responsibility but he does not understand and all this is taking a toll on our relationship. I will await your reply.

Wife going to live on her own

Q: If a woman leaves the marital home without any sharee reason and goes and finds her own place to live. The husband has not given talaak and feels he wants things to work however the wife is adamant she does not want the marriage. There is also a minor son involved. Is it the husbands responsibility to pay for her rent etc for she moved out of the marital home on her own accord and without any shared reason?

Treating one's children equally

Q: My question is regarding maintenance. My husband and I have two daughters and a son that is four months old. My husband's ex wife has dragged him to court for maintenance numerous times and he has told the court he can not afford that which she is asking but can pay a lesser amount. The councillor in charge of his case has now told him to get a better job and that I should find a job to so that I can support our children and he must then support his previous child. I need to know what Shari'ah says regarding the fact that my husband must solely see to that child and not the children he has with me. His ex-wife has also on numerous occasions told him why did he have another baby when he can't support her daughter. And that her daughter was there first so she deserves everything. I'm quite shocked and hurt that she would be so towards my kids when we don't ask her for anything. She is married to a sheik and is in purdah but belittles my children when ever they appear in court.