The name Umair
Q: Can you please give me the meaning of the name Umair. And how should it be pronounced. Its starting with ain. But if we pronounce with the sound of alif is it ok?
Q: Can you please give me the meaning of the name Umair. And how should it be pronounced. Its starting with ain. But if we pronounce with the sound of alif is it ok?
Q: In namaaz we are reciting durood in which we say Aale Muhammed. What is the meaning of Aale Muhammed. Does it include all wives of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and all daughters and sons and their progeny till today and till the end of the world? Does it also include the progeny of Abbaas (Radiyallahu Anhu) and Ja'far (Radiyallahu Anhu)?