
Mistakenly scratching someone's car

Q: What is the procedure in the following case:

I was at a parking lot. Just as I opened my car door, a strong wind blew it onto the car next to me and scratched the car abit and cracked the indicator light. I was scared and wasn't sure what to do. I considered leaving a note along with some money on the windscreen but I was afraid and drove away. Now it's really playing on my conscience. Please advise.

Washing mazi off one's clothes

Q: Today after I finished ghusl before the Friday prayer, while I was taking washed clothes from the wardrobe, I noticed mazzi stains on a washed underpants. I rubbed it with my nail and with a small amount of water, that water touched my trousers and body. Did I need to do anything more and should I wash my trousers and body too?

Driving away after knocking someone's car

Q: I have a small problem. This morning I went to do some shopping. While parking, I misjudged my turning and by mistake I scraped into the car next to me. It was a very small scrape, maybe just a touch up would fix the problem on their car. Due to my financial situation I got scared and drove away without informing the person. However I am now feeling really really guilty about it and i fear Allah's punishment with regards to it, like I am scared Allah will take away barakah from my wealth that I have left or something else will happen. What can I do to fix this situation as I was scared to wait for the person to tell him what had happened.