
Using contraceptives

Q: Is the use of condom permissible for intercourse between husband and wife to prevent pregnancy in order to have enough time for the existing kids instead of having more children for their better training in accordance with Shareyeh?


Q: I wanted to enquire if it is permissible for me to use the coil or any other contraceptives. The reason being is that I got married 8 months ago and ever since I have been facing alot of problems at the hands of my mother in law. Problems were increasing day by day which included abuse, emotional harassment and insult. My husband wasn't able to do much either and it all resulted in big arguments with my husband too.

Now its been 2 months since I'm at my parents house and the problems just increased and went to such an extent where my marriage was on the verge of ending. Im trying to makeup with my in-laws with the help of my father in law, however I dont think I can have children after all these issues. I would like to see if my husband has realised his mistakes and actually changed in the long run before I plan to have children. My husband isnt willing to understand this point of mine but I think I cant risk my life or my childs life as if things remain the same I will have to seek khula which I hope doesn't happen.

Thus would it be permissible for me to have the coil inserted or use any other methods of contraceptive without my husband's consent and it being in his knowledge. I hope this isnt classed as me decieving my husband.

Taking birth control pills

Q: I am a first time mum and my baby is almost three months. I feel I might be pregnant due to not getting my menses on time. Is it permissible for me to take a pill? I feel my child is still too small and I don't want her right of being breastsfed not be fulfilled to her stipulated age. However, I just feel I could be pregnant. It is not for certain.

Women working

Q: Is it permissible to use contraceptive medications to delay having children because the couple is studying and working in a tough field (e.g. medicine)?

Wife not happy with the husband using preventative measures

Q: Under the following circumstances, is it ja'iz for me to use condoms to avoid pregnancy? For the past several years, my wife has been bedridden due to an incurable disease. About a year ago, I did a second marriage so that my second wife could take care of the house and myself. She is about 42 years old while I am 51 years of age. Recently, my second wife was diagnosed with diabetes. About a month ago, she underwent a minor surgery that required general anesthesia to be given to her. The surgery had to be delayed twice as her sugar level was not coming down and anesthesia could not be given. Finally, the doctors had to use some other method rather than anesthesia to do the surgery. I have been suffering from osteoporosis. In addition, over the past couple of years, have been losing weight. Doctors haven’t been able to diagnose the reason of weight loss and investigations are going on. Because of my and my second wife’s health issues I use condoms to avoid her becoming pregnant against her will. She wants to have at least one child.

Using condoms


1. Is it allowed to use condoms with consent of both (wife and husband).

2. Use of dental dams (a streched thin rubber used to place on female private parts for kissing her private parts to prevent infection) has any concept in islam and can be used?

Temporary ligation

Q: I would like to know if it is permissable for me (age 25) to have my tubes tied? I am currently expecting and once I give birth I would like to tie my tubes instead of taking the pill and breastfeeding as it may cause hormones in my milk (thats what I think) also I know my husband would not want another child now at all. He did not take well the fact that I was pregnant in the starting. I am also not ready for the responsibility of a second child. My husband does not like using a condom and I am reluctant to use the pill due to maybe possible side effects on the baby feeding on me. Please advise.