
Using contraceptives

Q: A couple have a new baby, the husband is in Madrasah and is not working. Parents are seeing to the costs of the baby. With this in mind, and the fact that more children may distract the husband studies, and with spacing of children in mind, are contraceptives permissible? What types of contraceptives are permissible, is the use of a condom haram?

Practising azl and the use of contraceptives

Q: Family planning is not permissible in Islam. I have come to realise that even though we use different methods of family planning, everything lies in Allah Ta'alas hands. If Allah Ta'ala wishes it to be, nothing can prevent it. My husband and I use condoms as a preventative. I would now like to refrain from this as I feel it is not correct and this also falls under family planning, however, my husband feels contrary. Is azal also regarded as family planning. If it is ok to use condoms, no problem. However, if its not permissible then what should I tell my husband?