qur'an khatam

Tilaawat of Quraan for shifa


1. Is it permissible to gift ibaadah or send Esaale Thawab to the living? E.g.. Durood Sharif and Tilawah of Quran, Nafl Salaah?

2. Can tilawah of Quraan be made for shifa of a sick person? Will the reward of the Quran Tilawah go to them? Or through the Barkat of the Quran Allah Ta'ala will grant them shifa?

3. If one begins a khatam of Quran with niyyat of shifa for a sick person, can they make niyyat for more than 1 person and add all marhooms?

4. Should one inform the sick person that they completed a khatam with niyyat for their shifa?

 5. Please explain how Esaale Thawaab and tilawah of Quran for shifa is done. 

Joining Qur'an khatam groups

Q: Recently few messages have been going around regarding Quran Khatam groups and its authentication, I would like to know if:

1. Is it permissible to join a quran khatam group?

2. Is it permissible to have time limits to complete the khatam?

3. Can you join the group with the intention of making sure that you are completing at least 1 para a week even if the group was created with the intention of esaale sawaab of marhoomeen?

Organizing a Qur'an khatam on whatsapp

Q: I would like to get our close family members to coordinate the reading and Khatam of Qur'an for the Marhooms in our family. It will NOT be forced on anyone. Only those happy to join will join. It seems to me that this is a good method of reminding each other to read the Qur'an - as most people are now days very distracted and forget. We wish to use the mobile phone app called whatsapp to coordinate this effort. We will only use it as a communication tool to remind each other. Similar to how we might remind each other with written letters or direct meeting and talking but since people live so far apart (worldwide ) - this app is very convenient to set up an effort of this kind. What is your kind opinion on this idea? Someone told me it is not a good idea. Subhanallah I could not see the harm in reminding and organizing people to read the Qur'an however we can. Please educate me.

Organising a monthly Qur'an khatam on whatsapp

Q: I am part of a whatsapp group and we have decided that rather then just chatting and posting articles and news, we can do some good deeds together as a group. So alhamdulillah we have started a monthly Quraan Khatam. There is absolutely no force on those who can not manage or be part of the khatam. If anyone cannot manage their para for the month it is passed over to someone who can recite it. After the khatam is made we make the intention of isaale thawaab for all the marhoomeen. After a few months of this khatam which was going very well, somebody said to me that this practice is bid'ah as we have stipulated a time frame of this amal to one month and that we should stop this practice as it has no basis in deen. He also mentioned that our actions needs to be done with sincerity and not for show so it should not be done as a group. I do not want to perform any innovations in deen and I am really concerned. Some of the members are such that if it wasn't for this monthly khatam they would not have opened the Quraan not only for the entire month but rather for the entire year. Should I inform the members of the group and stop this practice or should it be continued?