Written Talaaq

Will one talaaq take place or three in the following case?

Q: A revert is asked by his wife for a divorce, which he refuses. She applies for a court interdict after they have a fight and his Muslim lawyer advises him to agree to the divorce in exchange for the wife not asking for the interdict. He reluctantly agrees but still doesn't give talaaq. A few weeks later his lawyer says that the wife is waiting for the talaaq and he must give it. He writes "I hereby give you a divorce" and the lawyer adds "in this regard I give you 3 talaaq." He signs it and the lawyer emails it to the wife. What is the validity of this divorce and is it 3 or 1? The husband says he has never wanted the divorce and it was never his intention to give 3 as he did not understand what this meant.  

Written talaaq

Q: My husband gave me three talaaqs. He did not tell me he divorces me, however his brother gave me a paper saying divorce between so and so.(Husband and wifes name) 

  1. talaaq
  2. talaaq
  3. talaaq

My husband and I had a intercourse a week later. Is our talaaq valid as we did this during our waiting period. My husband also says that he was angry and his brother convinced him to do talaaq he did not want to and now wants me back. We have two small kids together and it wasnt his intention or he did not want to part from us. Please advise if our talaaq was valid?

Written talaaq

Q:  What happens in a case where Talaaq is given in writing and only one witness from the husband side signs it while a witness from the wife's side refuses to sign?

Written Talaaq

Q: My aunt got divorced on paper. But her husband says he did not intentionally give divorce to her. He divorced her under pressure of his second wife. He says he was not thinking clearly while signing papers. He also said he did say the words by mouth. Did the divorce take place or not?

Writing out three talaaqs under duress

Q: My sisters husband gave her three talaaqs about two weeks ago. After five months of marriage. It was a letter signed by him & written in her absence, then brought to my sister by somebody she didn't know. Her father-in-law was behind all of this. Her husband said his dad wrote letter first, so he tore it up. Then his parents made him re- write it watching him. He said his dad would disown him if he goes against his dad. He even told my dad the day before that he still wants to be with my sister. She saw him crying when his dad made this decision for him. Now he says he didn't mean to. Clearly he was under duress will this talaaq still be counted?

Written Talaaq

Q: My husband and I have been experiencing marital problems for quite some time now with no resolve. As a result, I have written out 3 talaaqs and asked him to sign the paper on which I wrote the words : "I 'husbands full name' hereby give 'wifes full name' a talaaq." Only under the first one did he write his name but no signature acknowledging that all 3 are valid. Is this talaaq valid? If so, how many have been given, and also, what should my next course of action as wife be?