
Attending a wedding with a mixed gathering

Q: I have a family wedding where I know there will be a mixed gathering and music. I spoke to the family member and asked to be excused from the wedding but in return she said she will be upset and will never forget I did not attend her daughters wedding and cannot excuse me from attending. I explained the only reason for not attending is due to fear of sin and to abide by what Allah Ta'ala has commanded. From our conversation I believe she will no longer have anything to do with me if I do not attend. This situation is causing me great anxiety. On one hand I do not want Allah Ta'ala to be displeased with me and on the other I do not want the family member to break ties either, what do I do? 

Moving away from a gathering where inappropriate things are being discussed

Q: If your family always talk about inappropriate things, that are hurtful and immodest and you do not like the atmosphere, how should you be as a person in this situation? Is it necessary that you must stay in the room, even when you do not like what is being said? Since you have to interact with your family, how long do you have to stay with them if they sit together for hours on end, if you are in this situation and you have other work to do too?

Dua to be recited when leaving a gathering

Q: I have learnt the dua' said at the end of a gathering ("subhanakallahumma wa bihamdika ashhadu...") which compensates for vain talk etc in the gathering. My question is, can this dua also be said in the end of a telephone conversation? Since often much vain talk and possible backbiting etc goes on in telephone conversations. If so, is it OK if I say the dua after having closed the phone at the end of the conversation (rather than saying it whilst still in conversation) in order to not appear weird/strange (since the person I speak with might not understand)?