abu mikhnaf

The narrations contained in the book "Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of KARBALA and the Events that Followed"

Q: I have heard that in your kitaab on the topic of Karbala and Yazeed, the respected author quotes from the book al-Bidaayah wan-Nihaayah. Such narrations are quoted which ibn-Katheer Rahmatullahi alaihi at the end of the discussion himself says that these narrations are fabricated. Is this true? I sincerely hope that Mufti Saheb will clarify this matter for me and many others who have heard this.

The status of Yazeed and the position of the narrator Abu Mikhnaf

Q: Could you explain to me the correct opinion regarding Yazeed bin Mu'aawiyah? I read the book "Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of KARBALA and the Events that Followed". I found it to be very beneficial, however I have heard that there is a weak narrator by the name of Abu Mikhnaf, who appears in some of the reports quoted in the book. Is this correct? 

The reliability of the book "Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of KARBALA and the Events that Followed"

Q: Mufti Saheb, I have heard that some of the narrations in the book "Revealing the True Facts of Yazeed ~ The Incident of KARBALA and the Events that Followed" are quoted through a weak, shia narrator, by the name of Abu Mikhnaf. Is this correct? If it is, then can we quote from such narrators?