washing machine

Washing impure clothes in the washing machine


1) If after washing impure clothes in a washing machine which takes just under 1 and a half hours but a couple of items of clothing still have washing powder residue/white marks on them then are all the clothes rendered pure or would I have to wash them all over again? The cycle has 5 rinse and spins.

2) Also please can you clarify the hanafi madhab regarding tiny impurity. When I use the toilet no matter how hard I try to safeguard myself from urine/toilet water splashes, it seems like very tiny dots of urine are splashing on my under thighs, possible 1 or 2 tiny splash and it is very difficult to wash the area in the toilet itself so this resorts in having a shower waist down every time and takes so much time. Because they are tiny, can they be classed as paak?

3) When having ghusl in shower and the private parts are washed with water and after I use soap on the area to wash it then can I simply wash it off with the shower head without using my hand? Will my ghusl be complete?

Washing impure clothing in the washing machine

Q: Allah recently guided me to the right path. I was an undutiful Muslim. My question is about impurity. You know that if some impurity touches to your clothes or other things, then you have to wash. When I was not practicing Islam properly, I used to not wash my penis with water after using toilet. Also, I never used to remove semen from my clothes after wet dream. When those impure clothes used to wash with pure clothes in washing machine then obviously those clothes also used to became impure. Now what is the solution to purify all clothes. There are a lot of clothes. When those clothes touch another thing, then they could also cause that thing to become impure. So, as a whole I believe that almost all things in my house have become impure including clothes because I was not conscious about impurity. How to purify my house? My mother will not wash all clothes. I am really worried about this.

Impure clothes touching the exterior of the washing machine

Q: While putting clothes with najaasat on them in the washing machine, some of the clothes touched the outside of the machine. After washing, while taking out wet washed clothes, some part of the clothes touched the same spot of machine where najis clothes touched. My question is, did my wet clean clothes again became najis and should I wash them again?

Washing clothes in the washing machine

Q: Please can you advise if a bed sheet with stains (possibly not najis, possibly sweat or drooling saliva) has been washed in the washing machine with other stuff but the stain has not been removed fully then is the sheet as well as other stuff rendered impure even after 5 rinses and spins or is it paak. Also is raw fleshy skin due to a burn peeling off on the arm considered pure?