
Is mucus or phlegm impure?

Q: Are any of the following regarded as impure in Shari'ah?

1. The mucus or phlegm that comes out of the nose or throat due to a cold, flu or sinus infection

2. The yellowish white mucus or phlegm that comes out of the nose or throat due to a cold, flu or sinus infection

3. The yellow or green colour mucus or phlegm that comes out of the nose or throat due to a cold, flu or sinus infection (could be pus).

Performing Salaah with a sweet taste in the mouth

Q: If your mucus/phlegm has become sweet because of something sweet you ate then will it be okay to pray in that condition? Like in Ramadan when everyone drinks milkshake and eats dates when they break their fast and then they just wash their mouth out with water and stand up for Maghrib Salah even though their mucus is still sweet and the back of their throat is still sweet. Sometimes your mucus remains pink even after you wash your mouth out. What happens if you swallow this pink mucus during salah? Is it sufficient to quickly rinse out your mouth with water before salah or should you wait until the sweet mucus goes away? Sometimes I only break fast with water then eat after I pray to avoid this problem. What is the best way to deal with this?


Q: I fell asleep in the day. I saw balgham coming from my nose and I vomited blood and food. Blood and food was coming out at the same time.