financial problems

How to come out of interest

Q: I am 18 years old. Some years back my mom took a debt from someone on interest because we wanted money to get my elder sister married and she took this decision to borrow money because my dad is not responsible enough as he had been through alot of business failures and was jobless..Its been 4 years and my mother has been paying interest from a really long time and now when we have no money the money lenders are troubling us alot... They torture us so much that sometimes I start losing faith in life... They torture us to the core... They scare us by telling us that if we don't give them money then they are going to tell this to all the people around and also my sister's husband which will lead to a utter shame for my parents... They speak so cheap about us that sometimes I feel that dying is much better than seeing your parents in this condition... We don't have money at all and day by day the interest has increased. Please make dua's for the betterment of my family and please tell me some zikr or dua to get rid of this debt... I'm tired and at this young age I'm falling apart...

Mother having an affair

Q: My mom had an affair...please help...I belong to a pretty religious family...We family members love eachother alot...we have heart to heart connection...but we are facing money problems from alot of time as my father dont undrstand about my mother's and his daughters daily needs. My mom starting borrowing money from people.. I agree my father is irresponsible towards our financial needs but he is a very good father and husband.. He loves my mom alot and he doesn't have any bad habbits...but he doesn't give her enough of money and he mistreated her verbally..he doesn't give her enough money because we have alot of financial problems .. my mom and dad have suffered mom strived hard to be a good wife but the situation became worst when we had no money and she had to borrow money from a man...whom she loved before time passed she started texting and meeting him and they fell in love again...she now loves him alott...The relationship might be sexual too...but my mom is very religious and cries alot during namaz and loves my father too..but i just cant accept that my mom is having this kind of relationship with someone..It makes me cry everytime..It feels so bad to see her doing all this harram heart breaks...I am not able to tolerate it father trust's her alot...but she doesn't find enough of love in him...So she started falling for that man again...I don't know how to face all this anymore..if I ask her, all she says is that he is her friend...and the thing is I cant even force her or tell her about it..because she loves that man alot and she might even try to harm herself if something happens as she has suffered alot about this money problem, debts and all....What should I do?

Financial problems

Q: Me and my family have lived a very happy life with no problems Alhumdulilah. We had everything a person could wish for. However, ever since we moved our country, the problems begin. My father lost all his money in business and robbery. We've been having immigration problems and the problems are continuing to grow and not resolved. My parents pray 5 times and receite Quran however, Shaitan gets to me and I avoid praying and perform acts that I shouldn't. I'm very ashamed and I'm trying hard to change and repent. We are always very grateful and we are trying to have sabr but, with one problem after another, life is getting extremely stressful. What can be the cause? Is this happening because of me? Are we victims of evil eye? What has gone wrong? How can we seek help from Allah and repent? 

Financial problems

Q: I keep hitting a dead end with my business, and recently smashed a car twice in one week. Work gets done, but clients keep avoiding me and shukar to Allah Ta'ala that he makes that little come. If you can let me know if I should worry, as the past I had in law and family hasad and other related issues. I have two boys, one 4 and the other 1 year. Im married for 9 years to a revert. 

Marital problems

Q: Alhamdulillah I am married to a wonderful man for four years and we have been blessed with two beautiful sons. Before we married, my husband explained that he fully financially supported his unemployed parents. I accepted that and agreed that it was his duty as their eldest son. He pays for their house, all their living expenses and medical bills. However during the past two years it has transpired that my father in law has accumulated a large amount of debt. This includes credit card debt, overdue accounts and money he has borrowed over the past 15 years, from other family members. I have also recently realised that my husband's unemployed brother and his (employed) wife are having all their daily meals at my in-laws without any contribution to the grocery bill. My husband also has a divorced sister with three kids , now living with his parents and making a minimum contribution. It has become clear to me that all my father in law's debt has accumulated in trying to pay for extra groceries as well as some failed business attempts. I have a full time job and rely on my parents and extra domestic help - to help raise my two boys. I need to be employed in order to pay half of all our own living expenses - because my husband would not be able to afford paying for two homes. My in-laws are of no support to us because they have no income and they are looking after their other grandchildren. I have insisted that my husband and his siblings start paying off their father's debt as further interest keeps on accumulating. Up to now, none of them had made any attempts to start rectifying the bad financial situation. The financial strain ,as well the stress of juggling being a full time working mum, is starting to suck the joy out of my marriage. Firstly - I need clarity as to whether my father in law's debt will become the responsibility of my husband and sons,should he die before paying all his dues. Secondly - am I entitled to ask my husband to start insisting that his siblings make more of a contribution, since all the debt was literally accumulated to feed them. Thirdly - if my husband was not supporting his siblings, I would not need to work in order to assist financially - because he would have enough to run our home, and I could be home with my kids. What rights do I have as a muslim wife to enforce this? My in-laws lack financial management skills. All my attempts in trying to show them how to budget and save have been met with resistance, because they see me as having a priveleged lifestyle since I come from a financially stable family. My own parents worked very hard to ensure that we were never raised with debt and also made sure we never lived beyond our means. The value system and work ethic that I have been raised with regarding money and lifestyle, seems to be very different to my in-laws. And I want to make sure that my children are not influenced by their bad spending habits. An example would be my divorced sister in law who has not paid her kids school fees for three years. However, when she received her December bonus - the first thing she bought was Justin Beiber concert tickets! This shows me that she was raised with an entitlement attitude - my kids are entitled to concert tickets, even though I have not paid for their private school education and also refuse to put them into a cheaper public school. My in-laws go on holiday every December , which is usually paid for by my husband. Instead of telling their son to forfeit the holiday in order to maybe use the same money to pay off some of their debt - they happily enjoy the "undeserved" luxury and post holiday pics all over social media. My main concern is for my own children - I am trying to raise them with good values, and showing them that it is a sin to waste and be extravagant - because that will take the barakah out of your life. Please advise or suggest ways in which I can help save my marriage without having to threaten my husband with separation , if he does not enforce stricter financial control with his family.

Assisting family members who are in financial constraints

Q: My Bangladeshi husband has lost both his parents long ago. Shukar to the Almighty Allah that we are able to help his siblings often financially. However, it has come to a stage where it seems that his siblings are taking it for granted and they are not trying to help themselves. My husband has 4 sisters and 1 brother. The brother owns lots of land in Bangladesh. Over the past 12 years my husband has been trying to give his sisters land that was left behind by his parents, but each time he would go to Bangladesh, his brother and sisters would never come to an agreement as no will was left behind. My husband finally decided to go this year and give them more than the required land according to the sharia. He paid for all the transfer fees and made sure all the paperwork is fine. They got the most valuable lands now in their names. Out of the 4 sisters, one sister is financially doing well as her husband works hard in Kuwait. The remaining 3 sisters and the brother have always tried taking advantage of us by lying to us on situations we later found out were not true. We have helped send my brother in law’s oldest son twice to overseas to help him get a job and become more responsible. Last year we just finish paying his second sons university tuition to help him become independent but it’s been over 9 months and he is doing nothing to help himself. Both my brother-in-law’s sons are over 25 years old. The oldest one is now financially doing well in Singapore. My youngest sister-in-law has a husband who does not take care of his wife and kids and she is constantly asking us for money. We have sent lump sums over the years and have told her on many occasions to use the money wisely so they can improve their situation. But each time she just spends it all and within a month or two later will ask again. So she has gotten so used to getting money from us that she is now demanding it or will curse us. Her husband feels no responsibility for his family and does not provide for them. Their daughter is now getting married and we have sent money for the wedding, but they are planning to have a big wedding to show off and they are not happy with what we sent. They say they will curse us and keep questioning my husband’s salary as they believe that it should go to them. I am a housewife and homeschool my 2 kids. My oldest sister in law is a widow and she has three sons in overseas working but she also keeps wanting more money from us. My second oldest sister in law has one son overseas and another in his thirties doing nothing at home. But since her husband is crippled we do gladly send her a lot of money too, but her sons are not very responsible. We have tried over the years to help my husband’s siblings become more independent so they can do well financially, but they are not trying to do their part. We whole heartedly help them when they are sick or require money for food, sending their kids overseas to get jobs, all other necessary matters or for their children’s’ education. But they are expecting us to pay for their children’s’ elaborate weddings and jewelry etc. Sometimes I feel that it would be better for us to give the same money to help the many children victims of war, such as those who are undernourished and have no food. Instead we are giving lots of money to my husband’s siblings who are too proud and arrogant to work hard, are demanding and ungrateful. My husband’s siblings call him only for money, they never even cared when my son was hospitalized. My husband also has high blood pressure and we have a son diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Given the situation, is it my husband’s duty to see to his siblings who have husbands or sons over 25 years old for extravagant events such as elaborate weddings or jewelry etc?