Those situations where Talaaq takes place

Issuing two talaaqs

Q: I follow the shafi'i madhhab. In a state of having a jinn in me and my hubby being intoxicated, I asked him for talaaq, he gave me two, does this count according to my madhhab? He follows the hanafi madhhab. Does two talaaq count as three because we were living normal!

Signing a divorce paper for visa purposes

Q: My question to you is my husband has made a fake divorced paper for UK visa residency purpose. This paper is signed by him and is registered in our country. But this paper has never been given to me but my husband has informed me about this stupid act of his. On asking my husband says plainly his intention is never to give me talaq and this document is to be used only for visa purposes. I want to know am I divorced this way? If I am divorced this way do we have to do nikaah again? Please guide me properly.

Talaaq in the state of anger

Q: I'd like to know something regarding talaaq. I am an ex-recovering addict. I used drugs and I got married in 2012 and 6 months later in a rage of anger and not in the right frame of mind I sent an email to my wife giving her 3 talaqs. It's now 2014. I have rehabilitated myself and have been thinking a lot about what I've done and wondering whether my talaaq are valid or not?