Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Arguments between husband and wife

Q: My question is based on my situation below, is our marriage still valid? My husband and I have had a argument back in november 2014 and since then we have not been under the same roof. We have communicated over the phone and twice in the presence of others, but overall every conversation we had was with a lot of argument, fight, negativity in all forms, no matter how hard I tried to make it positive. We have not had a happy conversation ever since on good terms as a genuine husband and wife would in a normal non-stressful life. What concerns me that with all that negativity and separation going on, is our nikaah still valid? Are we considered a married couple? I hope I provided enough information for you to analyze the correct Islamic way for my situation.

Husband saying "I will leave you"

Q: It is requested to please clarify the issue regarding divorce. Husband and wife had a fight over the phone when no one was around. Wife reports the words said by the husband that "I will leave you" more than once. However, after 4-5 days the Husband regrets saying this and now reports that I didn't say these words. However, they now wants to live together, but the problem is that what does Shari'ah say when the husband denies these words but the wife reports these words with no witnesses? What would be the kafara for this? Please guide us in this difficult situation.

Waswasa of divorce

Q: I was angry with my wife. During anger i was getting waswasas about divorce but I controled myself and then I recited la halo wala khuwta illa bila. Few hours later I just speak in a low voice to shaitan that you cannot break my relation like that. This relation is made by Allah. This is my will, I will not leave her. In Urdu I said like me chah kar bi nae chor sakta. Bas ek dum mind me waswasa aya ka CAHA KAR kia metlab? Did you mean divorce. But it was a statement I did to tell shaitan that at any cost I will not leave her. There is no niyaat of giving her divorce. Is my nikaah valid?

Waswasas of talaaq

Q: I am a mental patient and I have a lot waswasas in each activity. Every minute and second I have a lot of thoughts and what I think is repeated by me orally. I am very worried about this problem and this problem has been for 3 years. When I study I repeat one word many times and I cannot control it. Then to avoid these thinking I said to myself that if I think, my wife will be divorced on me. But I cannot stop thinking and in my mind the same thinking takes place. I say to myself to repeat the word "I have not given divorce to my wife". Now I have this waswasas in my mind that I divorced my wife. I am very sad about this problem. Please Mufti sahib give me a solution for this.

Writing "I will give you talaaq"

Q: I would like to know if talaaq given via sms is valid because I was very angry and upset and in so much of doubt and confused and I was influenced by my friend to do it and he told me to just do what he says. So being in that state of mind I was not thinking properly so I wrote "I will give you talaaq (islamic divorce) and sent it and after 2 days later he said must do the same send another sms and again 2 days later another. He didn't explain about talaaq to me and about the iddat period and the time to reconcile between each period. I got different answers because people say sms is not valid and if influenced by someone to do it then it is not valid. So I would appreciate if you could shed some light on this topic. We want to reconcile and work things out but not sure where we stand because there is a lot going on.

Husband telling the wife "tala"

Q: I wish to mention that +-10 years ago my wife and myself had an argument  and during that argument she claims that I had verbally mentioned talaq 3 times to her. I did not mention that but said, tala tala tila. Both of us engaged with her family regarding this matter. They accepted and said we can carry on living together. During that time we had a baby girl who is currently 7 years of age, and my eldest then who is now 15. We worked together in building our family, invested in property and together furnished a new home. We also travelled abroad and shared family vacations together. Only until recently due to our current issues the talaaq matter came up for no reason. Kindly revert with feedback if the marriage is valid or not?

Talaaq of a non-Muslim court

Q: I live in France. I demanded divorce in court because my husband does not want a divorce, he didn't came to legal summons. After one year and eight months, the judge has pronounced the divorce. I want to know is the divorce valid in Islam? Knowing that I live in France a non-Muslim country and non-Muslim countries judge, and my husband never came in front of me or the court? We did the marriage in Pakistan but with France permission because he comes from Pakistan and me from France but we lived in France. For how long is my time of idatt if divorce is valid?

Husband telling the wife "I will always want you so long as you want me, and if you don't want me then I won't want you"

Q: My wife was feeling very low and sad due to the loss of our baby. I said to her: "I will always want you so long as you want me, and if you don't want me then I won't want you". When I said this bit I was thinking if she ever wants to leave me then I will divorce her. I realised that this may constitute  divorce so after a pause of 3 seconds or so I said: " even if you don't want me I will still want you". A week or so later in a massive argument she said you can divorce me now if you want. I am not sure if she had the intention of divorce when she said this. But later on she said if we have this kind of problem again then she will won't want to get back with me. Does any of this constitute to a divorce.

Can a woman issue a divorce?

Q: I am twenty two years. It's been five years I am married. I don't love my husband. I don't feel connected to him. It was a forced marriage. My father forced me so much so that I had to get married. Now my problem is how should I handle my marriage. My husband is good and I respect him, but how much I try, I can't love him. Should I divorce him? Of course he deserves a better wife then me.