giving extra

Secretly giving one's wife extra money

Q: Sometimes I secretly replace my wife's money from her purse with a bigger amount. For example, if she had R50, I take the R50 for myself and replace it with a R100 without her knowing in order to surprise her. When she comes to know of a bigger amount, I lie to her and tell her it was miracle that took place from the side of Allah. It really pleases her when she hears stuff like this, miracles etc. 

My questions are:

1. Am I guilty of the sin of lying?

2. By me replacing her money with a larger amount, is this regarded as Ribaa?

Paying back more than the loaned amount

Q: Say, suppose, I had borrowed some money from a certain person (not specific) about few years back. When I return the money to him, do I return the exact amount or should I include some extra amount accounting for the inflation that would have occurred during the years. Would including the extra amount mean I am giving interest and would it be a haram?