
Getting married under the age of 18

Q: In Islam, is it halaal to get married under 18 but by Law its illegal to get married under 18?

My question is: Can I do nikah but not get married by Law (I'm under 18 and the girl is under 18 too and we are in Europe... In my country like most of the countries its illegal to get married under 18)

Ma Sha Allah im 17 and she is 16 which means we have to wait 2 years... We both are muslims Ma Sha Allah, and she has a "wali" and everything else. Alhamdulilah its okay but that is the one and only problem.

Claiming 50% of the spouses wealth after divorce

Q: I live in Canada, I need some information about divorce in Islam. In Canadian law if a couple goes for divorce, every thing is divided into 50% plus spousal support and child support. My wife is the house maker, I make money and I even made some money before I got married. Can my wife claim 50% of my assets in Islamic law or can I claim 50% of her assets. How should the money be divided in Islam after divorce, please also explain about child support and spousal support.

We are married almost 11 years but we did not have peace in our married life. What is the extortion point where I should decide to leave. Can you guide us when we can take this decision?

Studying law

Q: I am currently studying towards a degree in law, Alhamdullilah. Allah Ta'ala has granted me hidayat since this Ramadhaan. I am now contemplating continuing my degree as I find that studying the law which originates from the time the of Caesar is against Islam as we know that he was an astrologer and made people bow before him in his court, as we now from the incident with Abu sufyaan. Another concern of mines is referring to a judge as your "lord", "worship",etc. as this seems to represent the way Caesar ruled. I would rather study to be an Aalim, as knowledge can help be improve and I can lead my life in accordance with that knowledge inshallah and try to be an entrepreneur. My mother however is concerned that I started something and do not want to finish and wants me to have a career. I would be willing to continue studying law if I were able to study Alim as this would allow me to prove the superiority of shariah to legislatures of south african law. My apologies for the long question it just does not make sense to me to let man made laws judge our affairs, and my mothers concern is how I will earn as she is a single mother. I would like to look after her financially, although Allah will open another avenue if I am leaving the law for his sake Inshallah. Please advise me.