girl's permssion

Girls family not pleased with proposal

Q: I am in a love with a girl for the last 7 years. I asked my mother to go there and ask for rishta. We all went to her home and gave our proposal. They said they shall let us know a week later. After a week they invited us to their home and said we are fine and said Yes for marriage. Before going there me and my mother perform Istikhara and it was good but after saying yes they perform istikhara but saw negative signs. I asked a Mufti and he said you cannot perform istikhara after saying Yes. Please tell me what should I do?

Girl not accepting the nikaah

Q: A friend of mine was forcibly married to her cousin. She never accepted the marriage and clearly said no to marriage at the time of Nikah. She kept asking for divorce and her husband would say OK. In one conversation she told him, she would not come to him and does not want to keep the relationship of marriage. He said OK and replied, he would not come to her either. It's been 20 years since and they have no marital relations. They do not live together. It's the nikah/marriage still valid our broken ? She has not received any mahr after marriage and she doesn't want anything from him.