Names, Surnames & Titles

Correct spelling of names

Q: We want to know if these names are Islamically correct for our child. Also, the correct way to spell in English as our Arabic is not the best. These are the names:

Nur Addunya or Noor Addunya

Nur AlJannah or Noor Aljannah

Nur AlHayat or Noor Alhayat 

Calling a Muslim by their non-Muslim name

Q: I am a converted Muslim after marriage and I really feel good that I have become a Muslim. I have also changed my name after marriage. My previous name was Nancy Nicholas and my Muslim name is Aaliyah Ali but my parents and sisters are still Christian, and they call me Nancy only. My husband doesn't like it and I cannot tell them not to call me Nancy because they will feel bad as I married so early when I was 18 and they wanted me study and do something for them. So I want to ask you:

1. My husband says, if they will call you by your previous name, you will be in gunah or crime and Allah doesn't like it.

2. Also I want to ask whether it is really important to change the name after marriage if you have a non Muslim name?

3. I heard that on the day of Qayamat everyone will be called by there names so which name I be called Nancy or Aaliyah?

Woman changing her surname after nikaah

Q: Can a woman replace her father's name with her husband's name after marriage? Some friends sent me a post which says that it is strictly forbidden in Islam to add my husband's name with my name instead of my father. They have reasoned that if it was permissible, then Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) wives would have done the same, which they did not.