Names, Surnames & Titles

Naming a house

Q: I would like to know, is there any care to be taken and choose the name for a new house, and if so I would like to name my house with two names such as Muskan and Mehreen, because, their parents helped me financially, and I want to remember them always in my dua, so how exactly I can name my house with these two names.

Changing the name Musaib

Q: I have been suffering from depression from 15 years almost and my heart has become extremely weak. I am taking antidepressants from 4 years. I recently visited a religious man, he told me your name is not suitable for you. I want to know the meaning of my name (Musaib) and if it is really wrong name, then I will have change it during nikah. Actually my parents named me Musaib without proper consultation with any religious man.

The name "Hannah"

Q: Please advise on the correct and best way on the name Hanna and how is it in Arabic and English spelling and meaning.

1. هننا - is it noon tashdeed?

2. حننة - is it noon tashdeed?

3. حناء - is it - Hana / a

Please give meanings and which from above 3 is suitable for naming a girl?