Names, Surnames & Titles

Baseless practice

Q: In our family, when a child is born the first letter of his name is found out according to the time and date of his birth. 2,3 letters are recommended and then the name is kept starting with any one of those letters. This all is done by an Aalim. Is this practice correct?

Changing a name that has kufr connotations

Q: We have named my son Keyaan. A friend drew our attention to the origin of his name. The name is from Irish mythology, also belonged to pagan Persian kings, also found that it is widely used in hindu and tamil community. I have checked the Arabic meaning and it means entity. As for any words, entity also has a vast array of meanings. One of the meanings is ghost or spirit or anything that is living or non living, anything from the unseen. So far I don't see anything positive about the name. Please clarify and let me know whether my findings are correct.

Girls names

Q: Allah Ta'ala blessed me with a daughter. I want to keep her name Aiza, Ansharah or Adeena. Can I keep these names? Are they Islamic names? What do they mean?

Changing the child's name

Q: Our baby girl's aqeeqah was done on the 7th day. At the same time Alhamdulillah the hair cut was done, one animal was sacrificed and the name was kept. After doing the aqeeqah, can we change the child's name? Is it possible? Do we have to repeat the aqeeqah?