Names, Surnames & Titles

The name Husain

Q: If you name a child "Husayn", how is it spelt in Arabic: الحسين or حسين. If it is spelt with ال, will it permissible to omit this in speech, i.e. calling him merely "Husayn" instead of "Al-Husayn"?

Anger in children

Q: My daughter's name is urooba meaning a woman who loves her husband the most. Masha Allah now she is 4 year and 8 months old, but she's always very angry. I am very concerned about her for her future for her martial life, how will she survive and control her anger in practical life. Please suggest any suitable Islamic name for her.

The name "Zeenah"

Q: Please let me know whether the name 'Zaynah' (letters zay-ya-nun-ha ) for a girl is a good Islamic Muslim Arabic name with a good meaning. Please provide me with the meaning. Also, please share with me other good names beginning with the letter 'Z' for a baby girl. Jazakallahu khayr. Thank you so much.