Names, Surnames & Titles

Changing one's name

Q: My question is about my name. I am very much anxious about my name. My name is BAYAZID ALI بايزيد علي. Majority people call me Yazeed. They tease me a lot whenever I tell them my name and they show anger and hate. Due to this I am facing many problems. I feel embarrassment. They make fun of my name people says what kind of name is this are you yazeed and blah blah blah specially in job interviews. They reject me due to my name in every part of daily life. I face the same situation when I am working in a private organisation. Our accountant held my salary for 3 months only for this that I have yazeed in my name. One of my class fellows is also employed in my company he told me about that. Bayazid was a saint name his complete name was Hazrat BAYAZID BASTAMI. My parents inspired from this pious Wali Allah and give me this name. Please tell me about my name. What should I do? Should I change my name? This is a very difficult procedure in Pakistan. I have my name in all documents and my nikah is in march. I am so depressed.


Q: I need the confirmation from your side please. I am selecting a boys name. Just wanted acknowledgement from your side that the meaning is correct or not and also some names correct pronunciation. The following are the names:

1. Raamiz ( Raa-miz) - One who indicates by signs

2. Zayef (zaa- if) - Hospitable

3. Zair (zaa- ir) - Pilgrim

4. Faeq (FAA - iq) - Superior, outstanding

5. Raamis (Raa-mis) - Good looking

6. Mohid - One who Believes in oneness of God

The name "Muawwiz"

Q: By Allah's grace I have been blessed with a baby boy about a month back and I am searching a good name for him. I would like to know the meaning of the following arabic words, please help.

1. Muawwiz

2. Munajid

3. Munajjid

4. Muajjid.

I have named him Mohammed already and one of these I plan to be his second name. Also I would be very grateful if you can send me the proper Arabic pronunciation.