Names, Surnames & Titles

Meaning of the name Uqbah

Q: Alhamdulillah, we will soon be blessed with our first child. My question is regarding the name Uqbah. What is the meaning of it? I have heard of a Sahaabi whose name who was Uqbah bin Aamir (radhiyallahu anhu), can Mufti Saheb please give us a brief biography of him or where we can read about him from reliable sources? We found some information on the internet but can't trust it.

Keeping the name Shaikh for a girl

Q: We want to name our baby girl born on 20 March 2019 at 05.29 PM in Hyderabad Telangana India. We request you to please suggest the best name or need assistance in words on which the name should be started. We opted few the names: Shaik Ayesha Thasmeen, Shaik Ayesha Zainab, Shaik Aminah Begum. Request you to please help us out.