studying deen

Haraam relationship

Q: I am a girl but I have a friend who is a guy. I recently started practicing Islam. I told him to practice the same. I am happy that he did. Now I learnt that the interaction with non-mehrams should be avoided. I told him about it but I am afraid that he will move to the wrong path because I am really important to him. What should I do? I can’t abandon him because he will move to the wrong path. And I can’t stay because it’s not allowed. 

Learning Islam

Q: I am a revert for five months now and I am currently doing my last year in media studies? I would like to take up Islamic studies but I am the only Muslim in my family and I fear that my parents will not support my decision. How can I handle this situation?

Parents preventing one from acquiring Deeni knowledge

Q: My parents, sister and friends are always telling me why I am gaining Islamic knowledge? I don't know but I am very much curious about knowing and applying it. They always tell me "why you are are gaining knowledge and increasing your risk/probability of going to Hell, you just complete your fard Salah and recite some Quran, if you know more, Allah will ask you about that knowledge!" I always says to them, "you are not making any effort to apply it, and felling safe, and I am at least making some effort to gain more knowledge thereon pleasing Allah, if I hadn't done the known act in some situations, then will that allah not forgive me?" They are not gaining knowledge, and also trying to resist me. But, in each stage of appling my knowledge, I getting restrictions from my colleagues/friends (they are separate in grp expelling me) and parents. They say 'How can you be without any friends,' but I am try my best to be friendly with them by leaving bad things,' So what can I do now? Should I continue my effort or leave it? Plz give me suggestion

Studying Deen independently

Q: Is it permissible to seek knowledge about Deen on the internet and have it verified by a scholar of Deen via WhatsApp or email? I'm in contact with shia and salafi scholars, each one of them says the others Hadeeths are weak and not to be trusted. However I do my own research but I don't know amongst the two who is correct. I listen to many of Mufti Menk lectures and Dr Naik and I learn a lot from them alhudulillah but I still do my research on internet. Because I don't know the scholars around here are maybe misguided. Please advise me. 

Working and studying Deen

Q: I am currently studying ACCA. There are 5 members ( parents, 2 sisters and me ) in my family. My 2 sisters will marry in future and they will leave our house. By the grace of Allah, few years ago our residential property converted to commercial property and because of this we can earn a good amount of rental income. My mother is saying that I will have to do job after completing ACCA. But my plan is to spend my life participating in religious activities like tableeg, serving my parents and humanity, praying, doing Hifz e Quran and becoming an Alim from Darul Ilm Birmingham's online Alim course. I don't want to do job because if I do job then I will not be able to devote myself enough for a high rank in Jannah (Jannatul Firdous). Its my wish to attain high level of Jannah. If I don't do the job then my mother will become angry and disheartened. But I don't agree with her because rental income is enough for a good life and there is no need of mine to do job. I think that Allah has granted the property so that I can use my time in a good way. Please advise on this. I am quite depressed.