Equality between wives

Equality between wives

Q: My husband has been having an affair with a woman for over 2 years. Recently I gave given birth to our 4th child, the baby is only 2 months old. My other children are still small. She has 3 sons. He says that he wants to make nikah but at times he also seems confused saying that she’s a good friend.

He says that if he does make nikah, he will sign a contract with her stating that he will spend 1 night only with her and give her a fixed amount per month (he will give her less than what he gives me) and that he won’t provide a home for her as she has her own home. He says that he will not be taking care of her children financially. He even says that in the contract he will state that she will have no rights to he’s inheritance. Is all this permissible?

Equality between wives

Q: My friend offered for me to be his second wife. Before agreeing, I would like to know about the rights of a second wife. How does it differ from the rights of the first wife? He told me that he will not live with me and have more children with me because he already has three children. I'm very young and I also want to build a full-fledged family by have children and that my husband could be with me and support me. He lives very far from me, and if we make nikah, it will not change anything. He will still live with his first wife and does not want to have more children.

So I wanted to ask you, what is the difference between the rights of the second wife from the first wife? Can he live far from me and see me only 1-2 times a week for only 1-2 hours, is it correct?

Equality between wives

Q: What is the ruling on a husband who only provides for one wife and not the other even though he has 2 wives?

My husband lives with his second wife and I am the first. He pays rent where he lives and buys groceries but I see to myself. I pay my own rent and buy my own food. Is it permissible for him to do this? I am a Muslim revert and this has tested my faith to the point where I am having difficulty in believing in Islam.

Equality between wives

Q: My husband has two wives. I have read that a man with two wives is supposed to give them both equal amount of time. What does this equality mean because I think in todays lifestyle one man cant give time equally and its impossible.

An example is that last night my husband came home late, around 1am. So he gave me time from that time till around 10 am the next morning. Now with the other wife, he went to bed early around 9.30 pm and from my knowledge, he was awake till 12 am and Allah knows best how long.

I dont know but my question is the other night I got less time and the other wife got more time. What's the Islamic ruling on this. Is it permissible?

Taking a second wife

Q: I have been married for eight years. My wife is not interested in sex. We can go 5 to 6 months without being intimate. She never adorns herself or makes herself look attractive. It has become very difficult for me. I really don't want to split my family up by getting divorced. My question, am I in the right by getting a second Wife?

Equality between wives

Q: My husband has 2 wives. I am a working lady and share 60-70% of my and my kids' expenditures with my salary and job, but the other one is a house wife who is totally dependant on my husband. My husband spends one night with me and the other night with her. I work from 7 am to 5 pm. But my husband has broken shifts. He is free in the afternoon, so everyday he goes to my cowife's house in the afternoon because I am not at home and from there he goes to work again. On the way back to my cowive's house, he visits me for an hour everyday.

My cowife says that it is unfair that he spends time with me from her night. She also argues , "He spends the afternoons at my house because you are not available, it is not my problem. You can leave the job and stay with me in my house. Otherwise he should not visit you when it is my turn." She says that Allah will punish me for all this.

Please tell me where I am wrong? Shall we divide my available time half-half between me and my cowife or what?