Various masaail of talaaq

Divorcing one's wife for insulting one's mother

Q: My wife insulted my mother for jealousy over my second wife. My second wife used to live with my mother. Initially my wife who lives with my mother phoned my other wife through my mother's phone and insulted her, as a result she called back to my mother's phone and insulted my mother badly. She used disgusting words when she was insulting my beloved mother.

What should be my reaction to this, shall I divorce her or not? Please advice me on this matter.

Husband claiming he issued two talaaqs whereas witnesses claim he issued three talaaqs

Q: A married couple had some marital disagreements, after which they sought the advise of a local aalim. Talaaq was pronounced. According to the husband, he said it twice but according to the aalim and another witness, talaaq was pronounced thrice. The couple wishes to reconcile, the wife is still in her period of Iddah. Can they reconcile?

Husband not interested in having intimate relations with his wife

Q: I am a married woman. I'm 25 and my husband is not interested in having sexual relations. He said that this is not important and he doen't have such feelings that man has. He has an erection problem and he is not interested in having any sexual relations.

He is a nice man who loves me and cares about me. What do I do? Should I leave him? 

Legal divorce after talaaq


1. If a husband, with an intention to divorce his wife, says to his wife that "I divorce you" and after that they did not have any sort of communication or any physical relationship upto three months, will it be considered as a legal divorce or the husband is again required to divorce her ?

2. Also, please tell me whether it is necessary to give a written talaqnama to the wife and if yes, who all should sign the talaqnama and is it necessary that the wife should also sign the talaqnama?