funeral house

Partaking of meals at the funeral house

Q: Could Mufti Saheb please clarify the following issues regarding meals at the funeral house:

1. We notice that after the burial, an announcement is made for those who attended to partake of meals at the funeral house, is it permissible for those who attended (e.g. family, neighbours, friends, etc) to partake of the meals?

2. What is the shar’ee ruling if relatives from far attend the funeral and no arrangements have been made for their meals and accommodation. Will it be permissible for the family of the deceased to provide accommodation and meals for them? Could Mufti Saheb please provide some guidelines in this regard.

3. If a person goes for ta’ziyat on the second or third day and is served some sweets or something to drink, will it permissible for him to accept it? Similarly, if he comes for ta’ziyat at a mealtime and he is asked to partake of meals, will it be permissible for him to partake of meals?