Custody of children

Marital problems and custody of children

Q: I am seriously contemplating a divorce as I am no longer interested in the marriage, it has had a major share of issues and I have also been advised to let go. The worst part is that everybody from my family knows my husband to be a liar and although he is an Aalim, the behavior which he has shown to a prominent Aalim is disgusting. The only problem that I have is my 2 kids. I will look after them, but I'm worried about their future. Please advise as its hard for children that have a broken home.

Mother who does not want to give up the custody of children

Q: I have been searching the net and cant find any lectures on when a mother doesnt want to give up her son to the father. I want us all to reach jannah. Are there any details on the bad effects/punishments on this topic. Are there any books or something reliable I can read on this topic. I am disturbed that my exwife and her husband get more time with my son than me. It is disrupting my sleep and salaat, meaning I loose concentration. I am performing 5 times in masjid and yearn to have my son with me. Society is so corrupt and I desire to teach him the value of islam. Is there any evidence against a step father giving the islamic nurturing over his father. Please any advice or words that I can give them. Islam is strong on liniage, and we will be called by our fathers names, it seems as if they are happy for me to provide minimum teaching as I see my son 2 days a week. Please any lectures or books I could read. Any warnings to mothers who dont wish to give up the right of custody. The wieght of the punishment is on me should my son Allah forbid commit grave sins. What can I do? I get angry and saddened and don't want to loose my character. But anger is from shytaan and I am only human. Please give me some advice.

Custody of children

Q: I am divorced. I became unemployed and was unable to provide the total maintenance for my son every month. As a result in a 3 year period I am at least 1yr behind on his fees which was his right on me to provide for him. He is now 6 years old and his mother remarried to a non mahram. I only got to see my son as his mother wishes. Mostly Sundays maybe sat nights and Wednesday. I feel this is not nearly enough time. My son can feed clean and clothe himself. I want him to come and live with me and he wants to come and live with me and he expresses it. His mother says because I owe her for his maintenance fees she is with holding him. She does not want him to come with me and threatened to leave the country with her new husband to stop me from having him. Islamically can she deny my right of custody because I owe her? Does my son have a right to be with me if he wants? I need advice and rulings. I realize this is very technical. I owe her money for my son’s maintenance, mother is remarried. I want to have my son; son wants to be with father. Mother does not want father to have son.

Custody of children

Q: What is the ruling regarding divorced parents and the custody of children? Two prominent muftis have said that although the children are 7 and 9 years old, yet they do not go to the father as the father is not capable of caring for children. It will not be forced upon the mother to let go of the children and also the fact that this is not a muslim country so the mother will not be forced to. However, when the children reach puberty, then they are given the choice to choose where they want to go. Is this true?

Custody of Children

Q: I had 3 children from a previous marriage. I thereafter got married as a 2nd wife. My children went to their father for the holidays and now when it is time for them to come back, their father refuses to send them. He says they will live with him now and that shariah is on his side because I got married to another man. I am so distraught I don't know what to do. I love my children and I don't want to lose them. Please tell me what my rights are. Jazakallah