girl's consent

Marrying someone against one's wishes

Q: My question is regarding my nikkah. When I was 16 years old my parents wanted me to get engaged. We agreed on my cousin and they gave their word. Since I live abroad I didn't have much contact with him. When I went to Pakistan, I lived with him and saw no compatibility. I told my mother that I didn't like him anymore. After a while I started talking with another boy with whom I was interested, we planned on getting married after I had finished my studies. Now last year before my nikkah took place we were supposed to leave for Pakistan, my mother asked me if I still liked my cousin on which I answered no, but I also didn't tell her about my relationship with the other boy. I said that I want to study and not get married so soon. We went to Pakistan and there they wanted to get my nikkah done. I had to tell them the truth that I can not marry my cousin because I like someone else. After much emotional blackmailing I agreed and told her ok, but soon I realised my mistake. My heart still didn't agree. I tried speaking to one of my aunts who assured me that this nikkah won't take place since there are only 2 days left and much preparation to do. I believed her and, I got satisfied and said nothing. Now, one day before going back home they brought the Imaam and planned the nikkah. At that time I begged and I asked my aunt to please stop it but she said it was too late if I don't agree now, my dad can divorce my mother and she can also get a heart attack. Being in that much pressure I signed the nikkah with the intention that I will later break it. This was one of my biggest mistakes but I was left with no choice. My question is, is my nikkah valid? Can my parents ask me to break it? I have no intention to stay with my present husband. My parents are asking for the validity of the nikkah.

Nikaah of the girl without her permission

Q: I have a question about the validity of Nikah. I loved a guy and my sister and dad found out about it, without allowing me to tell them anything and express my feelings they got me engaged to my cousin without my permission but I don't really understand what sort of nikah it was because they never asked me but I still love the person I am involved with and I want to get married to him because I know he is the right guy for me. If I get married without the consent of my parents, will my nikah with that person be valid? Please I need the answer as soon as possible, and also if I want to run away from the house and come back afterwards when everything gets back to normal, just need to know if my nikaah will be valid and accepted in Islam?