
Ordering items for someone who refuses to accept it after it arrives

Q: A lady (non-Muslim) wanted to order some dress samples through me and promised to pay the amount. Although I was not interested, as it is not what I do; yet, she insisted, so I managed some how and got those samples through someone else and also paid the custom clearence from my own pocket.

The lady in question decided to stop the business due to some medical condition and when the samples arrived, she refused to take them saying that she did not like those. I still had to pay the person who arranged those, who actually tried his best to give nice pieces. It was not possible for me to return those samples neither was it possible for the person who arranged those to sell them. Somehow this lady paid me an insufficient amount to which I again added some more from my pocket and gave to the person who arranged those.

I did not know that the lady will put me in a chaotic situation where my own money and goodwill will go. So now I am trying to sell those dresses at least to get rid of them.

My question is “should I return the money to that lady in case I succeed to sell them” or I am allowed to keep it as per Islam, to recover my own cost”? Personally I feel that I should give her even if I do not sell those, so that she does not get a bad impression of Muslims. 

Agent taking a commission

Q: My company arranges business agreements between two parties. According to the business agreement, the first party pays money to our company for the second party that gives service to the first party. Our company acts as a business agent and takes commission from the money given to us as fees for the second party without telling the first party but with the permission of the second party who already worked with us.

Also, we take another fee from the first party while telling them that it is our service fee for arranging the business agreement with the second party and it is a clear dealing.

My question is about the commission that we take from the second party fees without notifying the first party (payee) is halal or not? Because this commission is the main source of income for my company. If this commission is not permissible then the salary I take from the company is halal or not?