
Who is responsible to pay for general maintenance in a rented property?

Q: A person rents out a flat and signs a lease agreement wherein it is stated that the tenant will be liable for maintenance costs. However, in light of the shari ruling, who will be responsible to pay for general maintenance of the following; changing the bulbs, repairing a clogged pipe, repairing the aircon, replacing the geyser, replacing damaged washers, etc.?

Designing a structure for a church and selling grapes to someone who will use it to make wine


1. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure (i.e. steel in beams, columns, etc.) of a building which the owners will use for producing alcohol?

2. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure of a church?

3. Is it permissible to sell grapes to someone who will use it for making wine?

Renting out a portion of a property in exchange of a service

Q: There is space for 4 tenants on a property. Is it permissible to rent out portion A of the property to a garden company, with the rental due being a service, e.g. the tenant of the area A will tend to the initial landscaping and then gardening of the entire property long term, as long as they occupy the area A as a tenant.

There will be no rental payments due apart from the gardening service they will offer. In essence, is ijaarah permissible in exchange of a service rather than money?

Designing software for a delivery company

Q: I’m a software engineer currently working and residing in a Muslim majority country. I have a stable job but got a very good job offer from a delivery company in Europe. As part of the that company, I will be building web platforms that customers can use to order food, groceries, game tickets etc. The company partners with restaurants & supermarkets to deliver food and goods which can very well include pork and alcohol and the company takes the delivery fee and a comission.

The company also has a courier delivery and ticket delivery wing and I could be assigned to work on any of the particular service.

Although my job does not include direct contact with haram items, but it could be used either to order simple groceries or to order wine. There is no specific information about what share of the company’s business involves delivering alcoholic products or pork.

Is it permissible for me to take that job? Should I just stay away from it or join the company and see how close I am to building the tech which customers are going to be using for ordering haram items?