Permissible and impermissible items of trade

Selling artificial rings

Q: I read in Behashti Zewar that it is not permissible for women to wear artificial rings.

1. Since I was unaware of this ruling, I already have many such rings that I used to wear. What should be done with those rings?

2. I have given rings as gifts to many women in the past and my jewellery business gave me profit from selling artificial rings. Will I be sinful for this? What should I do now?

Writing a fiction book


1. If a person wrote a book which is a mix of fiction and non fiction and they sell the book, is the money earned from that halaal?

2. If that same book has slight romance in it, will the money earned from it be halaal?

3. If that same book has swearing (which the readers will be warned of) then is the money earned from it halaal?

Selling a toy which contains music

Q: We have recently received stock of an Islamic toy which we were unaware had music... The toy has many beneficial learning pages such as duas, surahs, Arabic alphabets, etc. but there is a button which plays nasheeds with musical instruments in the background.

Will it be permissible to sell such a toy? If the toy is sold with a note on how to remove the music and if the customer purchases it and chooses not to remove the music wire, will the seller be sinful?

Buying and selling plot files

Q: I want to ask if it is allowed to sell and purchase plot files? The housing society is still underdevelopment and possession of plots is not given to file holders.

(The file is a document issued by a housing scheme developer, against which one can claim a piece of land/plot once development is done, and possession started by the developer)