Permissible and Impermissible employment

Applying for a job which one is not fully qualified for

Q: I want to ask that earning from a intercede (shifarish shuda) job is halaal or haram? I mean my friend was not fully qualified for a job actually government is equipping clerks in schools. The criteria is a typist who can type 80 words per minute and they prefer to inter pass. While my friend can type but not according to demand and his typing speed is very slow and he is matric pass and doing his inter. He submitted a typing certificate in which it is written he can type 92 words per minute while his typing speed is very slow. So he applies for that job and a famous man intercedes on his behalf and he gets selected so earning from that job will be halaal or haram?

Compulsory provident fund

Q: Alhamdulillah, I have been offered employment. However, I am concerned as according to the contract and information from the human resources department, it is compulsory for me to belong to the company's current provident fund. This fund also includes a contribution towards life and disability cover. My questions are as follows: 1. Is it permissible for me to accept the employment contract? 2. If I may accept the contract, what would I do if the fund either pays me or my dependents? May I give the returns (interest, insurance benefits) to the poor and keep the capital investment (my contribution and the employer's contribution) for myself?

Applying for a job which one is not fully qualified for

Q: I want to ask that earning from an intercede job is halaal or haram? I mean one was not fully qualified for a job I mean government is equipping clerks in schools. The criteria is a good typist and they prefer to inter pass student. While one can type but not according to demand and is metric pass and doing his intern. So he applies for that job and and a famous man intercedes on his behalf and he gets selected so earning from that job will be halaal or haram?

Speaking lies to get a job

Q: I have two questions and it is about Haraam or Gunaah and they are as follows:

1. I took admission in degree course with the help of some source though I did not clear the entrance exam and also based on that qualification I got job. Please tell me is it Haraam or Gunaah?

2. Also I worked in 7 companies. I lied in 5 interviews about my experience. Please tell me whether it is Haraam or Gunaah and if it is Haraam then does that mean everything I have earned and spent after that is Haraam? If it is Gunaah then one solution which came into my mind is that start learning or doing something from my parents money and try to earn a living from that. Is it possible that Allah will consider it as repentance.

Employer cheating the customers

Q: I am working in Singapore. I am in charge for some oil carrying ships of a company. I would prepare the ships technically to run smoothly. But I don't involve myself in the operation department. But my boss cheats the customers by supplying oils short. For eg: instead of 5000 MT, 4600 MT will be supplied through the help of the operation department. Kindly advise whether my earnings are halaal? Though I am not involved myself in these activities, I feel that my earnings are haraam and my duas will not be accepted.

Selling insurance policies

Q: I had a question in regard to halaal income. I am about to start my career as a car and home insurance agent. I will be selling car and home insurance to people and was wondering if it is halaal to do so or would I have to get away from the whole industry. Also what about real estate agent?

Leaving one's job in a cargo company

Q: I am working in airport cargo. My company forwards cargo to freighter aircrafts. Some days we handle cargo which is going to American Army Base in Afghanistan which includes Army Vehicles. Most days as a staff I am involved directly in these handling. I have to do documentation and monitor loading. I am thinking of resigning as soon as possible.