
Homosexuality and lesbianism

Q: I know some Muslim people, who used to be sinning very often, and they are gays (females included). But one asked me once if for Allah, she lets go of her love and desire for the girl she loves, because she is growing very strong desire for her. Can she pray that in the Akhirah Allah grant them each other?

Business partner intending to open a bar in a jointly owned restaurant

Q: I have a restaurant in India with a partner. We have all halal food. Our partner now wants to open a bar section and wants to sell alcohol as all the resturants are doing the same to survive. I have told him that i won't partake in the earnings from selling alcohol. But will it be okay if he uses the same premises but i won't take part in the alcohol selling part of the business?

Investing with a partner that deals in interest

Q: We live in a non Muslim country. I have a business in which we take a plot, then develop the building and then sell. Usually it is a partnership deal. I do it with my partner who is a non Muslim. For e.g. he invests 50% of money. I invest 50%. The money he invests is of riba (interest). Since he is a non Muslim, his major part of earnings are giving money on interest to people. So he gets 50% of profit of our business, I get 50%. Since in the investment his 50% invested money is of riba, will it be permissible for me to work with him or not? 

Claiming from an investment after a partner passes away

Q: Person A lent person B money years ago as an investment into person B's business. No amount or percentage over and above the capital amount was fixed. Person b has now passed away leaving 8 heirs, some of whom are minors. The estate has not been wound up as yet due to other reasons. What will be the correct Islamic ruling with regards to paying back the additional money. Do we use a fixed percantage per year or use market related percentages to calculate the amount? Will it be permissible to pay back the money as person A expects her capital amount as well as a return on investment even though no amount was agreed upon.

Husband referring to the wife as partner

Q: I just wanted to let you know that me and my husband both are British citizen. We are married and registered by the Islamic law,and completed our aqd in the mosque.we also have a Muslim marriage certificate. By the way,we did not register our wedding ceremony under the law of Britain. Some people say you have to register and some says that the Islamic marriage certificate is enough and we are legally married. The thing is,my husband always calls me as a "partner" instead of "wife". Even in council or doctor matters,he always says "my partner".it sounds a bit odd and upsetting to me that where Allah has made us husband and wife why do you have to hide that for? He got angry either me that I don't know the law system and he has to call me partner otherwise they would check if we are married under the British law or not.and he says that it's not important to call each other husband wife. My question is,is it right what he says?because I think it's some kind of morality and the word partner doesn't include in morality because that's what girlfriend boyfriend or lover says when they stay together without getting married. I feel so ashamed when my husband calls me partner but he doesn't seem to think this seriously. Is it right that he is calling me partner?