no income

Getting money from social services

Q: I have been paying taxes for 5 years close to 1200 to 1400 dollars a Month.

I got laid off and now im taking social services until I find a job because I had no savings. I get about 780 a month. I gave them my friends basement address but I live with my parents. My friend even signed the letter. The thing is the amount I get for rent, is that halaal for me or do I have to make my friend make intention of it being a girl?

Assisting someone who has no income with zakaat

Q: My father's sister who is above 60 years is a diabetic patient and has no kids to support her. Her husband died last year as well so she is alone by her own because her brothers and sisters have already died. We support her financially from Zakat money because she had no source of income at all. After her husband died, she got some money which her husband had saved in the bank and that money is equivalent to US$7,000.00. Can we still continue supporting her from Zakaat money as she still does no have any source of income? Please advise.