Islamic Finance

Islamic banks

Q: I want to know whether Al hilal bank based at UAE is a purely Islamic and shariah compliance oriented bank. As by name many banks say or put the word Islamic with their bank; which really doesn't make them Islamic. Please clarify.

Islamic finance

Q: My mom is kafir and is asking about Islamic finance. I to be honest don't know much about this subject and have heard that it is not actually so Islamic after all. I live in Australia. Please advice on this matter.

Purchasing a car in Saudia Arabia on instalments

Q: In Saudi Arabia, the Toyota Cars company will sell the car on installment and the procedure is as follows: (1) First of all they will make an agreement, that they are giving this car on rental basis and fix some amount as a monthly rent. (2) After completing 4 or 5 years, they will sell the car to the same person who took for 4 to 5 years on a rental basis, by considering that now, this car is second hand car and hence they will take some lumpsome amount of SAR 15,000/- or SAR 20,000/- etc. Lastly they will transfer the car to that party. (3) Is it permissible to take the car as above said procedure based on Islam. (4) Please clarify and reply me.

Islamic Bank accounts

Q: There are "halaal" bank accounts at conventional banks, who engage in ribaa, and I was wondering if it is allowed to create an account at a conventional bank, which is closer and more convenient when there is an Islamic bank, but further away and with only I think one or two branches where I live. Because even though I would not be getting interest, they will still be benefiting from the money I gave them, via investing it in a permissible way, which helps their business, which is a ribaa bank. Please let me know if it is sinful.

Opening a Hajj Savings Account with an Islamic Bank

Q: I intend opening a hajj account with a certain Islamic bank. The money invested will earn a profit every year. Is this profit permissible? The conditions for opening the hajj account from the bank are as follows:

Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is compulsory for all those who can afford such a pilgrimage. No single event in the life of a Muslim is more spiritually uplifting and rewarding than to embark on the journey of Hajj. The Hajj Investment Scheme helps to turn your pilgrimage dream into a reality. What are the benefits you will enjoy?

•       Investments earn profits
•       Eligibility to enter a sponsored airfare draw
•       A gift when leaving for Hajj
•       In-house foreign currency facility
•       Free Travellers Will

What qualification criteria apply?
•       A minimum deposit of R100 is required to open the account
•       Funds earn profits in terms of a pre-agreed profit sharing ratio
•       Benefits are only extended to those proceeding for Hajj/Umrah irrespective of the term of investment