
Doubts regarding showing off

Q: I recently heard a lecture about riya (showing off). I am a student learning the Quran. My intention for learning to memorize the Quran was done so I could obtain a higher position with my Creator. When I started my studies while practicing the Verses, I realized that my thoughts were tilted towards perfecting my recitation so my teacher would be pleased and I wouldn't make mistakes in front of my class mates. So I concluded that my intention had changed and I was now doing it for people instead of my Creator, as a result I stopped attending classes for a while then a resumed after a while.

My questions are, is my heart committing riya? How do I fix this problem? Should I stop attending school and manage with what I have learned to be on the safe side?

Fear of riya (showing off)


1. I don't like people around me hearing me recite during prayer as my recitation is not good (I'm in the process of learning correct pronunciation) so whenever people are around me while I pray I adjust how silently I pray accordingly. Is this considered as riya?

2. If I try to recite a bit smoother when I know someone else in the room, not because I want to please or to show off, but because I feel embarrassed about my recitation, is this riya?

3. Also, if someone comes into the room while you are praying and you feel glad that they see you praying, but you don't necessarily adjust your prayer, is this riya? Do you prayers become invalidated because of it?

Lastly, if you didn't know certain acts were considered showing off during worship/prayer, but then learn it later, do you have to make them up?


Q: An ustaad said here in a sermon about the characteristics of people that have riya (besides showing off ibadah), kindly answer yes if any of this is true:

1.) If a person is always concerned about other peoples opinion, then he is not free from riya.

2.) If he has a desire in his heart and is eager to be praised, noticed, appreciated & admired by the people then he is not also free from riya.

3.) If he is always concerned about how to please people, then he is not free from riya.

4.) If he fears the criticism of (un-Islamic) people, he is not free from riya.

5.) If he constantly worrys about what people might think about him , he is not free from riya.

6.) If a person is free from any of the abovementioned, then he can assure that he is safe from riya. This kind of shocked me because I thought riya was just showing off your ibadaah to people.