wife refusing

Wife refusing to have another child

Q: I am living and working in Denmark. I am having a problem with my wife regarding third child. I hereby want to explain you my problem in details. When I married with my wife she had the same problem (Back Pain) that she has today but after the marriage she want baby as soon as possible and she got pregnant after two years of marriage and than after first baby she had the desire for second baby as soon as possible and she got second baby after one year of our first baby and when I asked her for third baby she said that she wish to have third baby but after two years. Whenever I ask her for third baby she replies me that wait some more time and now three years have gone after second baby. I asked my wife now I want third baby because its three years now after the second baby and she replied me that she don't want any more baby due to her disease (Back Pain and bawaseer). Then I asked another Mufti from Denmark. He said that she can't stop me to have third baby. My question is that her disease is the same as it was in beginning, only bawaseer (piles) ka masla new ha. I need this answer with reference to Quran and Sunna because I want my third baby and after your e-mail to her she totally denied for third baby. Looking forward to hear from you.