
Leaving one's gay husband

Q: I am married to a gay man for 16 yrs. What should I do? I feel betrayed and confused. He is a good Chinese Muslim in my eyes but he just told me he that he has an urge for man but never intended to fufil it. I do not know what to do and why I'm tested like this.

Ghusal for a man who inserts his private part into another man


1. When a man inserts his tip of penis in other man's anus, both should have fard ghusl right?

2. Is the ghusl fard even if when both had worn clothes? E.g. If one had worn pants and the other had also worn pants but the penis went inside the anus along with both pants. Is ghusl still fard?

3. Is the fard ghusl same as ghusl janabah?

Permissible and impermissible tenants on one's property

Q: Is it permissible to leases one's premises to the following entities:

(1) A Muslim that sells electronics, including DVD movies and music CDs.

(2) A Muslim, male insurance broker.

(3) A Muslim, female accountant.

(4) A Muslim, female attorney.

(5) A non-Muslim, female General Practitioner (that will attend to both males and females.)

(6) A non-Muslim, female gynecologist.

(7) The offices of a non-Muslim government (including places like the Department of Home Affairs, Department of Labour, etc.)

(8) A Christian funeral parlor that, in addition to coffins, sells funeral plans.

(9) Two gays.