
Lineage of an illegitimate child

Q: My father is a Muslim from Bangladesh and my mother was a Hindu from India. Now she is a Muslim. They were in a relationship like boyfriend/girlfriend in 1992. That time my mother got pregnant by my father before marriage. Then I was born. My mother escaped with my father and left her own country, family and converted to Islam. Finally they got married in an Islamic way when I was 4 months old. My question is, am I an illegitimate son of my family?

Equality in marriage


1. Is there equality (in marriage) between a Surti male that resides in South Africa and a Surti female that resides in Hijaz? 

2. Is there equality (in marriage) between a Surti male that resides in South Africa and a Surti female that resides in Najd?

3. Is there equality in lineage between a Surti male and a Sindhi female?